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Understanding SOVTEs (Soft-"E"s):

  • S: Semi (Partially)
  • O: Occluded (Covered) Covering Mouth, Lips, Throat, to find different ways to increase air pressure in the voice
  • V: Vocal
  • T: Tract
  • E: Exercises

Practical Exercises / Warm-Ups:

  • Try holding a note/tone between F#3 and A3, try using Vowels when speaking, and alternate between heavy voice (F#3 and lighter voice (A3), with increments of 4 stages to go up, and 4 stages to go back down.
  • You can also sometimes use sequences of words, such as "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", etc. when performing the scale exercises.
  • You can do monotone reading in the softer voice mentioned in the Pitch & Resonance documentation after performing the scales, and do your best to maintain the soft voice while reading sentences.

SOVTE Associated Diagram

This diagram needs a lot more explanation on how to understand it, but for now will be documented here for reference. Diagram

Download SOVTE Exercise Audio

This audio file contains SOVTE exercise tones to you can attempt to match during the vowel practice seen in the above diagram.


The mp3 file will play automatically and may be loud, so be sure to turn down the volume before clicking the link above.